Dean Koontz: Dark Rivers Of The Heart, Wellington in Wellington, Wellington for sale


Praise for DARK RIVERS OF THE HEART'A humdinger of a chase novel [that] explodes with all the giddy excitement of a half-dozen James Cameron pictures. DARK RIVERS OF THE HEART deserves to go to No. 1 on the bestseller list.'--Entertainment Weekly'A fresh surprise on virtually every page . . . and a pyrotechnic denouement full of marvelous mayhem.'--The Washington Post'Mr. Koontz has succeeded where many genre writers have failed: He has switched gears . . . and written a believable high-tech thriller.'--The New York Times'As usual, Koontz's writing is flawless: clean, clear exposition, colorful description, precise narration, and realistic dialogue. DARK RIVERS OF THE HEART is exciting, entertaining, and thoughtful.'--The Denver Post'It is difficult to imagine a reader who won't be hooked by this thriller about government power run amok and a man and woman on the run from the madman who wields that power. Unrelenting excitement, truly memorable characters, and ample food for thought.'--Kirkus Reviews 592 pages
Dean Koontz
Dark Rivers Of The Heart
Publisher name
Ballantine Books 1995 Paperback
Shipping time
3 - 7 days
Publication year
Listing condition
Item condition
Vendor name
Book Haven
Vendor rating
Key words
Fiction, Horror