Dean Koontz - False Memory, Wellington in Wellington, Wellington for sale

Dean Koontz - False Memory, Wellington

Martie is ordinary woman with an ordinary life until one morning she develops a terrifying phobia: autophobia, fear of oneself. As Martie's condition worsens, her husband Dusty is determined to learn what triggered her illness and so encounters Dr Mark Ahriman, a leading psychiatrist, who runs a local support group for sufferers. Dusty's suspicion is aroused when he discovers that two of Mark's patients have recently committed suicide. It becomes apparent to Dusty that Mark, although a doctor, is not a healer. As Dusty comes ever closer to the truth, he too is struck by a debilitating psychological disorder even mor unusual and frightening than that afflicting Martie. 832 pages
Dean Koontz
False Memory
Publisher name
Feature 1999 Paperback
Shipping time
3 - 7 days
Publication year
Listing condition
Item condition
Vendor name
Book Haven
Vendor rating
Key words