Gil McNeil: The Only Boy for Me, Wellington in Wellington, Wellington for sale


You live in rural bliss, you've got a great job in town, and he's crazy about you. The only problem is, he's only six years old. Most people would think Annie Baker had got it made: an idyllic life in the country and a great job in town as a film producer. And so she would, if it weren't for the men in her life. Her six-year-old son Charlie gets traumatised if she buys the wrong kind of sausages. Her tempestuous boss Barney is a Great Director, but keeps getting stuck with dog food commercials, and as for Laurence, well, he just wants to get her fired. And then she meets y, heartbreaking, truthful and uplifting, Gil McNeil's brilliant first novel will make you laugh out loud. Don't read it on the bus.
Gil McNeil
The Only Boy for Me
Publisher name
2001 Paperback
Shipping time
3 - 7 days
Publication year
Listing condition
Item condition
Very good
Vendor name
Book Haven
Vendor rating
Key words