The Darkness That Comes Before (R. Scott Bakker), Wellington in Wellington, Wellington for sale


A score of centuries has passed since the First Apocalypse and the thoughts of men have turned, inevitably, to more worldly concerns . . . A veteran sorcerer and spy seeks news of an ancient enemy. A military genius plots to conquer the known world for his Emperor but dreams of the throne for himself. The spiritual leader of the Thousand Temples seeks a Holy War to cleanse the land of the infidel. An exiled barbarian chieftain seeks vengeance against the man who disgraced him. And into this world steps a man like no other, seeking to bind all - man and woman, emperor and slave - to his own mysterious ends. But the fate of men - even great men - means little when the world itself may soon be torn asunder. Behind the politics, beneath the religious fervour, a dark and ancient evil is reawakening. After two thousand years, the No-God is returning. The Second Apocalypse is nigh. And one cannot raise walls against what has been forgotten . . . 644 pages
R. Scott Bakker
The Darkness That Comes Before
Publisher name
Orbit 2005 Paperback
Shipping time
3 - 7 days
Publication year
Listing condition
Item condition
Very good
Vendor name
Book Haven
Vendor rating
Key words
Fantasy, Fiction