Emily Jenkins - Tongue First: Adventures in Physical Culture, Wellington in Wellington, Wellington for sale

Music instruments

A smart, humorous exploration of bodily thrills and paranoia from aerobics to acupuncture, strip shows to sensory deprivation. Your perception of your body will change when you read this book. You will be pulling on your boxer shorts or your black lace bra, and suddenly consider why you decorate yourself the way you do. You will shake up your martini, kiss your beloved, read a dirty magazine, go for a jog, and think about what your bodily behavior says about your soul. And what it is doing to your soul. You will notice the defenses you erect for yourself. Perhaps a tube of lipstick. Perhaps an addiction. Testing the boundaries between fear and temptation, Emily Jenkins takes us on a journey from ordinary physical experiences (going to the dentist, putting on stockings) to extreme ones (snorting heroin, shaving her head). She interviews people whose bodies are radically different from hers and enters communities where people share unusual ideas about physicality. Sometimes you will recognize your own habits. Other times you'll be shocked or repulsed. Always you will find yourself questioning the ordinary things you do, rethinking your relationship to your body. 256 pages
Emily Jenkins
Tongue First: Adventures in Physical Culture
Publisher name
Holt Paperbacks 1998 Paperback
Shipping time
3 - 7 days
Publication year
Binding type
Soft cover
Listing condition
Item condition
Vendor name
Book Haven
Vendor rating
Key words