Michael Simmons: The Rise of Lubchenko, Wellington in Wellington, Wellington for sale

Michael Simmons: The Rise of Lubchenko, Wellington

Once again, Evan Macalister has a big problem. He’s sleeping through summer school, minding his own business, when an anonymous caller warns him that his father’s partner, Jim Richmond, has smuggled live smallpox virus into Europe. There he’s planning to sell it to a terrorist group—and kill Evan’s father to cover his tracks.What’s a boy to do? If you’re Evan, it’s obvious. He jets off to Europe with best friend Ruben and new girlfriend Erika to save the day. But can he do it? And even if he manages to save the world, his dad, himself, and his friends, how is he ever going to avoid being sent to military school this time? 224 pages
Michael Simmons
The Rise of Lubchenko
Publisher name
Razorbill 2006 Hardcover
Shipping time
3 - 7 days
Publication year
Vendor name
Book Haven
Vendor rating
Key words
Children's Fiction, Action&adventurechildren's Fiction, Generalchildren's Fiction, Law&crime