The Dog That Dumped on My Doona, Wellington in Wellington, Wellington for sale

Music instruments

What's an 11-year-old boy to do when an ugly dog called Blacky appears on his bed and tells him he has been given the mission to rescue God?When Marcus is woken by a doggoing to the bathroomon his bed, he is understandably upset. And Blacky the dog has other surprises in store. Soon Marcus and his disruptive friend Dylan are on a mission to rescue God—a sick pygmy bearded dragon—from the local pet shop, but time is running out.To complicate things,Marcus's sisterRose is in the picture—shewho thrives on terrorizing her little brother. She is the sister from hell, but revenge will be sweet—or so Marcus thinks. 133 pages
Barry Jonsberg
The Dog That Dumped on My Doona
Publisher name
Allen&Unwin 2008 Paperback
Shipping time
3 - 7 days
Publication year
Listing condition
Item condition
Vendor name
Book Haven
Vendor rating
Key words
Childrens, Fiction