The Pride of Polly Perkins, Wellington in Wellington, Wellington for sale

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At the age of fourteen, happy-go-lucky Polly Perkins faces untold sadness when her beloved father is diagnosed with tuberculosis. As Tommy's stay in hospital turns from weeks into months, Polly's mother, Ada, becomes increasingly anxious as to how she will make ends meet. In an attempt to help out, Polly takes a job as a flowerseller, and when she sells a buttonhole to Charles Denholme, a member of the Liverpool gentry, she sets in motion a chain of events that changes her life forever. Meanwhile, at home, the rent is overdue; but the Perkins'landlord takes pity on his tenants and offers Ada a job as his housekeeper. The love and hope that abounds in the Perkins household makes him realise what is missing from his own empty marriage and gradually he becomes more and more involved in the Perkins'lives. But, no matter how their lives change over the years that Tommy is in hospital, not one day goes by without Polly missing her father and longing for the day when he will return home. 314 pages
Joan Jonker
The Pride of Polly Perkins
Publisher name
Headline Book Publishing 1997 Paperback
Shipping time
3 - 7 days
Publication year
Listing condition
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Vendor name
Book Haven
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